Contemplative prayer and its many roots.   1 comment

Kundalini is a Hindu term for the mystical power or force that underlies their
spirituality. In Hinduism it is commonly referred to as the serpent power. Philip
St. Romain, a substance abuse counselor and devout Catholic lay minister, began his journey while practicing contemplative prayer or resting in the still point, as he
called it. What happened to him following this practice should bear the utmost
scrutiny from the evangelical community.

Having rejected mental prayer as “unproductive” he embraced the prayer form that switches
off the mind, creating what he described as a mental passivity. What he encountered
next underscores my concern with sobering clarity:

Many people believe St. Romain was a devout Christian. He claims he loves Jesus,
believes in salvation and is a member in good standing within his church. What
changed though were his sensibilities.:

He revealed I cannot make any decisions for myself without the approbation of the inner
adviser, whose voice speaks so clearly in times of need … there is a distinct sense
of an inner eye of some kind of “seeing” with my two sense eyes.

This prayer method is starting to spread within a broad spectrum of Christianity.
[T]his practice has already spread extensively throughout the Roman Catholic and
Protestant mainline churches. It has now crossed over and is manifesting itself in
conservative denominations as well—ones that have traditionally stood against the
New Age. Just as secular society has been hit by a tidal wave of practical mystics, so also has the religious world

I caution with tears both seeker and Christian alike. Avoid Contemplative Mysticism. It leads to a bondage beyond your imagination. And there is no turning back once it has captured your soul. Its claims are true but its methods are dark. I goes where the bible forbids us to go, into mind altering states of consciousness as St. Romain so aptly illustrates.

Here is a graph of my own making showing some trend in the church at large over last twenty odd years and how they interconnect. click on it to enlarge.

Posted March 23, 2010 by Reformed and renewed in apologetics

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